Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dead Island...thoughts.

I'm writing this for people who have a gist what kind of a game Dead Island is. Maybe your on the fence about giving it a try or not.

Some games are great, some games are not and some are just okay. Dead Island could be any one of those depending on how you take it. Dead Island is one of the most broken, glitchy games I have ever played. The story is pretty terrible and predictable. Most of the voice acting as well as the cut scene animations are terrible. Texture pops are all over the place ant there is a lot of slow down where too much things are going on at once. The game freezes randomly (PS3 for sure) causing you to reset the console. The saving system randomly forgets where your last checkpoint really was. Some glitches caused me to start over quests because zombies would disappear or be stuck in walls making me unable to finish certain quests. Sometimes even joining a friends game that was less progressed then mine, erased my own progress and kept my single player progression to where I left off with my friend. 

Negatives aside. Dead Island is best played with a buddy or three. Its always fun killing zombies with friends. The multiplayer is  pretty seamless, aside from glitches. You can join a friends game or a friend can join your game anytime. One really odd game play choice, was having to make you exit all the way out to the menu to change the online options. Money always goes to everyone and items go to whomever picks them up. I think this promotes a better form of teamwork. You don't have to worry about splitting money or someone hording money, but it still has you having to trade items if need be. 

Guns are fairly prominent later in the game but they don't do kind of damage you would expect and clearly they were not the focus of this game. But the melee weapons are where its at. The craft system is decent. I just wish there was more crazy mods to use. The characters are quite different as well. Some skills all characters have but some are unique to one another. Logan is the throwing expert, he is best at long ranges. Xian is the sharp weapons expert and the damage dealer. Purna is the guns expert and is a great support character. Sam B is the blunt weapons expert and the tank character. All characters have 3 skill trees that you can level up. Fury, Combat, and Survival. Fury is a special "berserk" mode your character can enter to deal some quick damage to enemies. Combat is a skill tree for fighting. Survival can be anything from lock picking, extra inventory slots, to some more combat skill buffs. 

The game takes around 20 hours if you didn't do side quests. Doing all side quests adds 10+ more hours of gameplay. And theres a "New Game +" mode after you beat it. You can start the game again with your level, items, weapons, and mods in tact and further better you character. Dead Island has a lot of replay ability. There are a lot of nods to other games and lots of hidden items to find.

With all its glitches and how much frustration this game has caused me, Dead Island is an amazingly fun game, and I love it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Good vs. The Evil, who wins? Me?

Good Vs. Evil

An odd dilemma I have sometimes when I'm making a blog post is should I talk about the negatives or the positives? People have an innate ability to find the negative stories more interesting then the positive ones. Maybe it's the 6 o'clock news fault. 90% of what they show is something terrible that happened to someone. Even things that were supposed to be good turn out to be negatives. Miscellaneous hotty gets married, means the average Joe doesnt have a chance anymore. "Jessica Alba got married?! OMG WTF!", "Why the f*ck did she marry that guy?!"

I haven't done too many review type posts. But for sure I would put the negatives on those types of things. Sometimes I just don't think I have to put in negative reasoning, unless I feel its actually needed.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Video Game Draft.

There is a large amount of games coming out in the next few months. Mostly FPS's in their 3rd iterations. Some are just FP's. Some action adventure. And a new version of a new fighting game.

First Person Shooters
Battlefield 3
Resistance 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

First Person/Action Adventure/RPG
Dead Island
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Action RPG
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

3rd Person/Shooter/Action Adventure
Gears of War 3
Assassins Creed Revelations
Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
Batman: Arkham City

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

With Deus Ex being out already that leaves 11 games I would personally like to get this year. Do I have the time for all these games? Probably not. And I definitely don't have the money to purchase all these. Within the time frame they are coming out. For this year I'll have to choose my main ones I want to get.

From the FPS category I pick, Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3. I originally was only going to get Battlefield and not MW3. But I'll go into that in another post.

From FP/AA/RPG, I plan on getting Dead Island. Going by the trailers alone, I think Deep Silver did an amazing job from artistic standpoint. They never really show too much in the trailers, which can be bad and good at the same time. I know its a first person zombie survival type game, with some RPG elements thrown in. Its supposed to have a huge map to roam around in and 4 player co-op with drop ins, drop outs. It seems very melee orientated, instead of using mainly guns. In a way makes it more realistic. I really hope this game turns out well and has co-op free roam. As much as i'm excited about this game I'm still gonna wait for the reviews before spending my money on this one though.

The 3rd Person/Shooter/Action Adventure games I want to commit to are Uncharted 3 and Batman: Arkham City. I been a Uncharted fan since the beginning, I still feel Uncharted 2 is one of the most well made games of this console generation. And what can I say of about Arkham City. Arkham Asylum was the best Batman game ever made and I'm a decent sized comic book nerd. Arkham City looks to be even better then it predecessor.

I'm excited for the free update to Super Street fighter 4: Arcade Edition (called Ver. 2012). Because Yun and Fei Long are broken. But the only brand new fighter I could think of and the only one I want to get this year is UMvC3. Balance changes, 12 new characters, new colors, costumes and levels, MODOK dressed as Elvis, I'm sold. Capcom, you have my money yet again.