Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Good vs. The Evil, who wins? Me?

Good Vs. Evil

An odd dilemma I have sometimes when I'm making a blog post is should I talk about the negatives or the positives? People have an innate ability to find the negative stories more interesting then the positive ones. Maybe it's the 6 o'clock news fault. 90% of what they show is something terrible that happened to someone. Even things that were supposed to be good turn out to be negatives. Miscellaneous hotty gets married, means the average Joe doesnt have a chance anymore. "Jessica Alba got married?! OMG WTF!", "Why the f*ck did she marry that guy?!"

I haven't done too many review type posts. But for sure I would put the negatives on those types of things. Sometimes I just don't think I have to put in negative reasoning, unless I feel its actually needed.

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