Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Video Game Draft.

There is a large amount of games coming out in the next few months. Mostly FPS's in their 3rd iterations. Some are just FP's. Some action adventure. And a new version of a new fighting game.

First Person Shooters
Battlefield 3
Resistance 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

First Person/Action Adventure/RPG
Dead Island
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Action RPG
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

3rd Person/Shooter/Action Adventure
Gears of War 3
Assassins Creed Revelations
Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
Batman: Arkham City

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

With Deus Ex being out already that leaves 11 games I would personally like to get this year. Do I have the time for all these games? Probably not. And I definitely don't have the money to purchase all these. Within the time frame they are coming out. For this year I'll have to choose my main ones I want to get.

From the FPS category I pick, Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3. I originally was only going to get Battlefield and not MW3. But I'll go into that in another post.

From FP/AA/RPG, I plan on getting Dead Island. Going by the trailers alone, I think Deep Silver did an amazing job from artistic standpoint. They never really show too much in the trailers, which can be bad and good at the same time. I know its a first person zombie survival type game, with some RPG elements thrown in. Its supposed to have a huge map to roam around in and 4 player co-op with drop ins, drop outs. It seems very melee orientated, instead of using mainly guns. In a way makes it more realistic. I really hope this game turns out well and has co-op free roam. As much as i'm excited about this game I'm still gonna wait for the reviews before spending my money on this one though.

The 3rd Person/Shooter/Action Adventure games I want to commit to are Uncharted 3 and Batman: Arkham City. I been a Uncharted fan since the beginning, I still feel Uncharted 2 is one of the most well made games of this console generation. And what can I say of about Arkham City. Arkham Asylum was the best Batman game ever made and I'm a decent sized comic book nerd. Arkham City looks to be even better then it predecessor.

I'm excited for the free update to Super Street fighter 4: Arcade Edition (called Ver. 2012). Because Yun and Fei Long are broken. But the only brand new fighter I could think of and the only one I want to get this year is UMvC3. Balance changes, 12 new characters, new colors, costumes and levels, MODOK dressed as Elvis, I'm sold. Capcom, you have my money yet again.

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